A Celebration of the Arts and Sciences will be held on Thursday, April 14, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. at the House of the Academy in Cambridge, MA. This program will feature a poetry reading by Sarton Prize winner Vanesha Pravin, whose poems have appeared in Slate, Callaloo, Crab Orchard Review, Many Mountains Moving, Prodigal, and Phoebe. Her first collection of published poems, Disorder (University of Chicago Press, 2015), features a series of authentic narratives that cut across generations and geography. The evening will also feature a presentation by Rumford Prize winners Dr. Federico Capasso and Dr. Alfred Cho. At Bell Laboratories in 1994, Drs. Capasso and Cho invented the quantum cascade (qc) laser. As part of their presentation, Drs. Capasso and Cho will discuss their invention of this revolutionary new light source, as well as some of its common applications. All participants are asked to register online by Monday, April 4. For questions, please contact the Academy at mevents@amacad.org.
A Celebration of the Arts and Sciences
Published on: March 31, 2016