Literature offers programs, projects, and research initiatives outside the classroom. These reflect a wide range of faculty research interests, including: digital media, pedagogy, and archives; global culture; colonialism, postcolonialism, and the literature of travel; early modern literature and culture; and science, technology, and modernity. In addition, close collaboration between the Literature and Comparative Media Studies/Writing programs at MIT underpins ongoing research on such topics as television history, the history of the book, and popular literary, visual, and musical culture.
The particular work of individual Literature faculty may be found on their webpages. Below are several major ongoing collective initiatives that combine research and pedagogy and provide outreach to global communities of students, scholars, and friends.

MIT Comparative Global Humanities Initiative

MIT Global Shakespeare Project


Teaching Melville

Annotation Studio

Ancient & Medieval Studies Colloquium Series

Margaret MacVicar Memorial AMITA Oral History Project

The Dickens Project