These are 6-unit subjects taught either once a week throughout the term or twice a week for half of the term. Specific topics for the subjects offered vary from year to year. For a student unable to sustain the commitment demanded by a regular twelve-unit class, the Samplings classes offer a less intensive, more discussion- and reading-oriented way of continuing literary study. Four Sampling subjects are automatically combined to create two 12- unit HASS subjects.

21L.310 Bestsellers
Prereq: None
2-0-4 Can be repeated for credit; first half of term
Focuses on works that caught the popular imagination in the past or present. Emphasizes texts that are related by genre, theme or style. Books studied vary from term to term. May be repeated once for credit if content differs. Enrollment limited.21L.315 Prizewinners and Laureates
Prereq: None
2-0-4 Can be repeated for credit
Examines the work of major prize-winning writers or filmmakers. Texts and authors are chosen that have won such prestigious literary awards as the Nobel Prize, the Booker Prize, or the National Book Award, or films that have been feted at major international film festivals. Authors and works vary from term to term. May be repeated once for credit if the specific works studied differ. Enrollment limited.
Currently offered this semester:
21L.315 Prizewinners and Laureates (Spring 2025)
21L.320 Big Books
Prereq: None
2-0-4 Can be repeated for credit
Intensive study of a single major literary work or a very small set of related literary works. Emphasizes texts that encourage close analysis in a way that cannot easily be integrated into the regular literature curriculum. The Big Books taught in previous terms include Moby-Dick, Canterbury Tales, and the Faerie Queene. May be repeated once for credit if the works studied differ. Enrollment limited.
Currently offered this semester:
21L.320 Big Books (Spring 2025)
21L.325 Small Wonders
Prereq: None
2-0-4 Can be repeated for credit
Close examination of a coherent set of short texts and/or visual works. The selections may be the shorter works of one or more authors (poems, short stories or novellas), or short films and other visual media. Content varies from term to term. May be repeated once for credit if the works studied differ.
Currently offered this semester:
21L.325 Small Wonders (Spring 2025)