Congrats! Grace McMillan, Lit Major’24 awarded 2024 Fulbright fellowship

Published on: May 22, 2024
Caption:Top row, l-r: April Cheng, Grace McMillan, Ryan McTigue, and Keith Murray. Middle row, l-r: Maaya Prasad, Anusha Puri, Olivia Rosenstein, and Jennifer Schug. Bottom row, l-r: Vaibhavi Shah, Charvi Sharma, and Isabella Witham.Credits:Photos courtesy of the Fulbright winners.

Caption: Top row, l-r: April Cheng, Grace McMillan, Ryan McTigue, and Keith Murray. Middle row, l-r: Maaya Prasad, Anusha Puri, Olivia Rosenstein, and Jennifer Schug. Bottom row, l-r: Vaibhavi Shah, Charvi Sharma, and Isabella Witham.
Credits: Photos courtesy of the Fulbright winners.

The Fulbright US Student Program funds research, study, and teaching opportunities abroad.

Eleven MIT undergraduates, graduate students, and alumni have won Fulbright grants to embark on projects overseas in the 2024-25 grant cycle. Two other students were offered awards but declined them to pursue other opportunities.

Funded by the U.S. Department of State, the Fulbright U.S. Student Program offers year-long opportunities for American citizen students and recent alumni to conduct independent research, pursue graduate studies, or teach English in over 140 countries.

MIT has been a Fulbright Top-Producing Institution for five years in a row. MIT students and alumni interested in applying to the Fulbright U.S. Student Program should contact Julia Mongo, MIT Fulbright program advisor, in the Office of Distinguished Fellowships in Career Advising and Professional Development.

Grace McMillan is a senior majoring in literature and mechanical engineering with a concentration in Russian language. As a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant Award recipient, she will teach at a university in Kazakhstan. McMillan’s interest in Central Asia was sparked by a Russian language immersion program she participated in during her sophomore summer in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, funded by MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives (MISTI). She is excited to help her students learn English to foster integration into the global academic community. During her time at MIT, McMillan has conducted research with faculty in nuclear science; earth, atmospheric, and planetary sciences; and the Digital Humanities Lab. Outside of academics, she has been an active member of her sorority, Sigma Kappa, and has served on the MIT Health Consumers’ Advisory Council for two years. After Fulbright, McMillan hopes to attend law school, focusing on education reform.

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