Joe Pokora
I had come to MIT to be an aerospace engineer and had no idea that I would ever be so involved with the Literature program. During my first term here I took an intro to fiction course. I enjoyed the course so much that the next term I signed up for another literature course. Soon, I was taking two or three lit classes a term. I had always loved reading and discussing books, but could I turn my passion about books into a major? The short answer: YES!
Working with the Literature faculty and staff has been one of my greatest pleasures at MIT. A quick stroll through the department would produce friendly greetings by at least half a dozen people. The top notch teaching and resources are wonderful, but the strong sense of community is the hidden gem of the department. The support provided by this community was invaluable as I was learning and growing through my undergraduate years. After graduation, I am off to work as an aerospace engineer at one of the largest aircraft manufacturers in the world. The academic, communication, and professional skills that the literature department helped me cultivate will serve me well as a young professional and as I progress through my career.