Oxford University Press is delighted to celebrate the publication of the Hsu-Tang Library of Classical Chinese Literature.

MIT Professor Wiebke Denecke is the series editor of the new Hsu-Tang Library of Classical Chinese Literature.
Credits: Photo: Bryce Vickmark
Endowed by a generous gift of Hsin-Mei Agnes Hsu-Tang and Oscar L. Tang, The Hsu-Tang Library of Classical Chinese Literature is a pioneering series designed to present works of classical literature from East Asia’s greater Sinitic world, from the Zhou Dynasty to the end of imperial China in 1911, in fresh, bilingual editions—honed to be solidly scholarly and eminently readable.
Series editors Wiebke Denecke, Founding Editor-in-Chief, and Lucas Klein, Associate Editor, will be joined by Professor Tian Yuan Tan, Shaw Professor of Chinese, to discuss this pioneering, unprecedented endeavour.
The talk will take place from 17.30 – 18.30 on Thursday 30th May, 2024, and will take place at the lecture theatre at the University of Oxford China Centre, Dickson Poon Building, Canterbury Road, Oxford Ox2 6LU.
Please click here to register for a free ticket for the discussion.