Once an analogue interplay between stop-motion, artful props, and post-production manipulation, cinematic imaginaries now bloom in increasingly virtual digital worlds. Rendering space, time, and characters through veridical simulations of reality that appeal to fuzzy logics of perception, makers enter entirely new boundary conditions that allow both documentary and fiction to build immersive storyworlds. Virtual production was well underway before the global pandemic, but has accelerated under the pressure of enforced social and spatial distance. Today, virtual production practices drive the creation of immersive spatialized worlds – our symposium panels examine, celebrate, and critique the devices of imagination that shape ubiquitous creativity. Metahumans have arrived, deepfakes are here, and even black holes can function as characters in spacetime – what meanings will we make in the expansive ethical and aesthetic spaces of the new metaverse?
Friday, November 12, 2021 @ 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM EST Register Here:https://www.eventbrite.com/e/boundary-conditions-architecture-simulation-cinema-registration-194675649107
More Info: https://architecture.mit.edu/news/unbounded-transmedia-boundary-conditions
Physical Location: MIT Long Lounge, MIT 7-429