Richter Jordaan
Was there a favorite book or topic that you studied with Literature that you would recommend? Over IAP 2023, I participated in the Race, Place and Modernity literature class in Brazil. We discussed the formation of race and place in Brazil and in the US. This class and experience was completely amazing and I cannot recommend it enough!
What was your favorite book, film, or thesis, paper title, etc. from out of Literature? My favorite story is Samuel Delany’s “The Tales of Plagues of Carnivals” and I also love Janelle Monae’s emotion picture Dirty Computer.
What advice would you give a future Literature Major? What did you wish you knew before your journey? I wish I had taken a wider range of classes, even and especially ones that seemed out of my comfort zone. Often when I signed up for a class I was unsure about, I ended up absolutely loving the professor, the course content, and the other students, and left the class totally transformed. I also wish I spent more time talking with professors in office hours and outside of normal class time to ask about their research and interests and get to know them better. All of the faculty I’ve met are not only brilliant but also super fun to talk to and learn from.
Fun Fact: What’s your favorite animal? Why and how does it relate to literature or your work? I love dogs!