Offered in Spanish. This class examines how new literature, film, art and musical forms have emerged in response to tensions and contradictions in Hispanic culture. Can the Arts bring about social change? Utopias and dystopias provide the axis along which honor, family, war and religion take distinctive shapes in Spain and in Latin America. Through readings that include essays, speeches, newspaper articles, as well as short stories, poetry and the novel, we review historical realities from moments of vibrant heterogeneity to enforced homogeneity; from revolutionary, democratic politics to crushing dictatorships; from the promise of globalization to the struggle against US cultural imperialism.
Students will understand the connection between the written word, music, film and social change. Classwork includes group projects that reflect students’ interests. Authors read include Juan Rulfo, Miguel de Cervantes, Manuel Puig, García Lorca, Rosario Castellanos, Blas de Otero, Che Guevara, Pablo Neruda, Angela Figuera, Ariel Dorfman, Carmé Riera. Films from Argentina, Spain, Chile, Mexico are an integral part of this subject.