Marah Gubar Review "The Teflon Kid: How Annie Enables Apathy About Inequality" Published in PUBLIC BOOKS
TONIGHT!|Communications Forum | "Making Computing Strange: Cultural Analytics and Phantasmal Media" | 5-7pm | 66-110
Prof. Eugenie Brinkema presents "Violence and the Diagram (or, The Human Centipede) at Cornell University
Prof. Eugenie Brinkema Presenting "Violence and the Diagram (or, The Human Centipede)" at Wayne State University on Nov. 14
TONIGHT | Folk Music of the British Isles & N. America Concert Series | Jeff Warner | 7:30 pm | 4-163
AMS Colloquium Series | “David Ferry in Conversation: On the Classics & Translation” | TONIGHT | 5:15pm | E51-275
Prof. Eugenie Brinkema Presenting "Rubber. No Reason. Nothing" at ICI Berlin's "Abandon" World Picture Conference, Tomorrow, Saturday Nov. 8, 2014