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Lit Tea


When: Every Monday (except Holidays) during the semester Time: 4:15pm - 5:45pm Where: Room 14N-417 Come by for snacks, and tea with Literature Section friends, instructors, students, etc. What are you reading? What 21L classes are you taking or hoping to take? This event is specifically geared towards undergrads; but open to friends of the community that engage in the literary and humanities at MIT.

Lit Tea


When: Every Monday (except Holidays) during the semester Time: 4:15pm - 5:45pm Where: Room 14N-417 Come by for snacks, and tea with Literature Section friends, instructors, students, etc. What are you reading? What 21L classes are you taking or hoping to take? This event is specifically geared towards undergrads; but open to friends of the community that engage in the literary and humanities at MIT.

CANCELLED: A Conversation with Mathias Énard | MIT Global France Seminar & Harvard Mahindra France and the World Seminar

MIT Global France Seminar & Harvard Mahindra France and the World Seminar presents, A Conversation with Mathias Énard   When: Thursday February 15th @ 5:30pm Where: Barker Center, Room 114 This event is a part of Villa Albertine’s Authors on Tour program. Mathias Enard’s 2024 US tour is made possible by Villa Albertine and New Directions. Part of the France and the World series. Co-sponsored by the MIT French+ Initiative. Mathias Énard is the author of Compass  (winner of the Prix Goncourt, the Leipzig Prize, and the Premio von Rezzori, and shortlisted for the 2017 Man Booker International Prize), Zone, and Street of Thieves–as well as being a translator from Persian and Arabic. He will be speaking about his latest book, The Annual Banquet of the Gravediggers' Guild , out now in English translation with New Directions.

Lit Tea


When: Every Monday (except Holidays) during the semester Time: 4:15pm - 5:45pm Where: Room 14N-417 Come by for snacks, and tea with Literature Section friends, instructors, students, etc. What are you reading? What 21L classes are you taking or hoping to take? This event is specifically geared towards undergrads; but open to friends of the community that engage in the literary and humanities at MIT.

AMS presents, Amy Russell “Gender and belonging: Women as members of the political community, through a Roman lens”

14E-304 160 MEMORIAL DR, CAMBRIDGE, MA, United States

Presented by Amy Russell Associate Professor of Classics, Associate Professor of History at Brown University From myth to contract theory to the Third Reich, understandings of the notion of political community have often been expressed by calling back to its origins. Historians of the distant past are well qualified to talk about origin myths: the populus Romanus is the blueprint for many later notions of the sovereign People. But how does a group of individuals coalesce into a community, and how is that process gendered? I will explore the relationship between gender and the populus in Republican Rome, before mobilizing feminist approaches to explore how the legal and symbolic moves that define We the People have historically encoded violence against women; nevertheless, the past also offers ideas for alternative ways to think about what it means to belong to a political community. Amy Russell is a Roman political and cultural historian, with particular interests in Republican political culture, space, and gender. Her next major work will be a monograph on the institutional and cultural role of the populus Romanus, for which her preparations have included new collaborations with political scientists, historians, and lawyers on the construction of peoplehood across time and space. Image: […]

Lit Tea


When: Every Monday (except Holidays) during the semester Time: 4:15pm - 5:45pm Where: Room 14N-417 Come by for snacks, and tea with Literature Section friends, instructors, students, etc. What are you reading? What 21L classes are you taking or hoping to take? This event is specifically geared towards undergrads; but open to friends of the community that engage in the literary and humanities at MIT.

Lit Tea


When: Every Monday (except Holidays) during the semester Time: 4:15pm - 5:45pm Where: Room 14N-417 Come by for snacks, and tea with Literature Section friends, instructors, students, etc. What are you reading? What 21L classes are you taking or hoping to take? This event is specifically geared towards undergrads; but open to friends of the community that engage in the literary and humanities at MIT.

Lit Tea


When: Every Monday (except Holidays) during the semester Time: 4:15pm - 5:45pm Where: Room 14N-417 Come by for snacks, and tea with Literature Section friends, instructors, students, etc. What are you reading? What 21L classes are you taking or hoping to take? This event is specifically geared towards undergrads; but open to friends of the community that engage in the literary and humanities at MIT.

Global France Seminar presents, Ariane Chebel d’Appollonia “Violent America: What’s the Future of Identity Politics?”

Abstract: In Violent America, Ariane Chebel d’Appollonia analyzes why and how various ethno-racial groups use different forms of violence, rationally if not dispassionately, to achieve instrumental goals. Rather than focusing on ethno-racial prejudice as the main source of violence in America, she explores the effect of violence on ethno-racial identification. The predominant forms may have evolved over time, from largely physical to increasingly discursive violence. Nonetheless, their pattern of usage remains intact. Specifically, she argues that the instrumental use of ethno-racial violence today remains a means by which all ethno-racial groups gain status and thus acceptance into the mainstream of American civil, political, and social life. Her goal is to provide an alternative way of understanding the complex relationship between migrant phobia, multiethnic grievances, and ethno-racial conflicts in America and beyond, especially France. In supporting her position, the author examines a vast array of evidence about the historic and contemporary use of violence by ethno-racial groups as part of an “identity strategy” – based on contentious politics – intended to secure tangible or symbolic benefits. This identity strategy has proven to be effective in the past; today, however, it fuels an increasing fragmentation of American society which is detrimental to the fight for […]

The People’s Poetry Archive presents, a poetry reading with Terrance Hayes

Killian Hall, 14W-111 160 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA, United States

Terrance Hayes’ most recent publications include American Sonnets for My Past And Future Assassin (Penguin 2018) and To Float In The Space Between: Drawings and Essays in Conversation with Etheridge Knight (Wave, 2018). To Float In The Space Between was winner of the Poetry Foundation’s 2019 Pegasus Award for Poetry Criticism and a finalist for the 2018 National Book Critics Circle Award in Criticism.  American Sonnets for My Past And Future Assassin won the Hurston/Wright 2019 Award for Poetry and was a finalist the 2018 National Book Critics Circle Award in Poetry, the 2018 National Book Award in Poetry, the 2018 TS Eliot Prize for Poetry, and the 2018 Kingsley Tufts Poetry Award. A collection of poems, So To Speak, and collection of essays, Watch Your Language, were published by Penguin in 2023. Hayes is a Silver Professor of English at New York University. The People’s Poetry Archive is a 2023-24 Mellon Faculty Grant Project by Professor Joshua Bennett. It is a public humanities project setting out to digitally preserve canonical and contemporary poems from across the African diaspora, as well as historically under-theorized works in the realm of spoken word performance. Inspired by the Black feminist poet and educator June Jordan’s vision of “a people’s poetry”—a term she traces to the democratic imaginings of Walt Whitman—the […]

Lit Tea


When: Every Monday (except Holidays) during the semester Time: 4:15pm - 5:45pm Where: Room 14N-417 Come by for snacks, and tea with Literature Section friends, instructors, students, etc. What are you reading? What 21L classes are you taking or hoping to take? This event is specifically geared towards undergrads; but open to friends of the community that engage in the literary and humanities at MIT.

Literature Trivia Night


We are hosting a Jeopardy Style Literature Trivia night on April 2 @ 5:00-6:00pm in 14N-417 Come play with us and test your knowledge of pop culture, MIT history, movies, music, and Literature Please bring friends you have met in your Literature classes. Cookies will be served.

Literature Section
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue 14N-407
Cambridge, MA 02139
tel: (617) 253-3581