With a faculty composed of renowned scholars and dedicated teachers, the MIT Literature section offers a wide range of courses across time periods, international cultures, and languages. Literature courses at MIT examine how novels, poems, plays, films, visual art, and other media make imaginative and critical sense of history and the present.
For Students
Spring 2025 Subjects
Upcoming Events
Global France Seminar presents, Jacqueline Mpii Ngo: Paris through the lens of Little Africa: A contemporary perspective on cultures, economies, and places
Global France Seminar presents, Jacqueline Mpii Ngo: Paris through the lens of Little Africa: A contemporary perspective on cultures, economies, and places
The Literature concentration takes about three approved subjects to complete! Lit concentrators often go on to minoring or majoring in Literature!
During a 1998 talk at MIT titled, “Devil Girl From Mars’: Why I Write Science Fiction” Octavia Butler explained how media inspired her to start writing.
Literature minors can choose to focus their studies on specific literary complexes as well as film, ancient & medieval studies, and more!
Frank Stella’s “Loohooloo” (1995) conference room located at the MIT School of Architecture and Planning references Herman Melville’s novel, Omoo: A Narrative of Adventures in the South Sea.