News Home 5 News April 27th: AMS presents, Hannah Čulík-Baird "Cicero and the Early Latin Poets"Bringing “cultural diplomacy” to the classics with Prof Wiebke DeneckeTuesday, April 12th @ 5:15pm | Lit@MIT & Virtual STARR Forum presents, Malka Older – Author's TalkProf Arthur Bahr and the 14th Century Pearl-ManuscriptDavid Thorburn: The William Corbett Poetry Series on Feb 28th @ 7pmProf Eugenie Brinkema announces forthcoming book, "Life-Destroying Diagrams""The Bluest Eye" at the Huntington with Dramaturg Prof Sandy AlexandreFeb 8th: Prof Marah Gubar, guest speaker at the Vilde Chayes/Wild Things: A Scholarly Symposium on the Art of Maurice SendakPleasures of Poetry starts this IAP 2022: January 3rdNewly Published Today! "Shakespeare and Digital Pedagogy" edited by Professor Henderson4 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536 5
Feb 8th: Prof Marah Gubar, guest speaker at the Vilde Chayes/Wild Things: A Scholarly Symposium on the Art of Maurice Sendak